Photo: Jacob Termansen,
from the danish book "Fetich". |
to these english-language pages of a personal danish website.
On these pages you'll find texts, images, films and thoughts on such taboo subjects as
body art,cult films, and other good stuff...
- and I particularly hope that you'll take a look at my DVD!
I've always been experimenting, artistically as well as personally.
I seek the unknown, the mysteries, playing on the edges...
Those areas which we know so little about, but which mean so much to us.
It's so rare that we immerse ourselves in what scares and tempts us...
We become fearful, excited, uncertain, fixated...
We seem to have created a culture designed to makes us fear and hide from that
which can touch, move and transform us.
Art, sex and love has the power to transform us.
We're here to explore, play, travel... into the Magical.
Click on the images below to start your journey... inwards...
Do enjoy... and comments, questions and proposals are always welcome!